Crystal Motor Speedway - Crystal MI

Address: 8315 E Sidney Rd.
City: Crystal
State: MI
Zip: 48818
County: Montcalm
Number of visits to this page: 23622

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Dirt Ovals<br>Operating Dates: 1948-Present<br> AKA Crystal Raceway

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Info Updates:
12/14/2016 - Jesse Hamilton
Besides the bleachers in need of some serious repair, Crystal is alive and well with good car counts and good racing. They bring a variety of shows and over the holidays (Memorial/Labor Day) you can find Sunday racing.
6/6/2008 - billmayMay
thats crystal !! The fence is down away from the track it was placed there during dealers choice to keep racecars from hitting all the campers they would get.i beleve that crystal set a record for the most racecars at a single race back in the dealers choice races. I have won many races there its the best dirt track i have ever raced on and i have raced on more then 10 michigan dirt tracks. GREAT PLACE TO RACE OR WATCH LOTS OF GREAT DRIVERS.Im not a reg. driver at the track but i try to race there any chance i get.
5/26/2008 - Randy
That top picture can't be Crystal. No fence on the backstrech!
3/30/2007 - Chris Carey
This track has some of the most intense action for any race car class due to its bank turns giving the drivers alot of speed exiting into the straits making this place a very fast 3/8 mile dirt track. When the sprint cars and outlaw late models are there its something you would want to see for the next few years cause these car fly around the track.
7/3/2005 - Lenny Anderson
Its not a paved oval track it is a dirt oval track this is correction as to the discription of the track.
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Crystal Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
Crystal Motor Speedway - Aerial Photo
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