Edgewood Court Motel - St. Joseph MI

Address: 4020 Red Arrow Hwy
City: St. Joseph
State: MI
Zip: 49085
County: Berrien
Number of visits to this page: 2900

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Update 12/14/2024: From Kelsey Hahn - This was before my time but I’m positive one piece of it is still standing. From what I can see on the postcard, a portion of this motel - the side on the right with the flat roof, not peaks - remains as Lee’s Hunan Chinese Restaurant. I grew up in this area in the 90’s and the building is the right age & look to previously be part of this complex. The remainder is gone & replaced by a car lot, but pull up 4040 Red Arrow or so on street view, angle back north towards the restaurant, and check the tree line against that post card on street view… (see comparison photo below)

My guess on this place is it is gone. St. Joe got built up in recent years with condos and such near the water in this area. I am not seeing it mentioned on the current maps and street views. I found an address in an old high school yearbook, and that site is now a car lot. The St. Joseph Auto Theater would have been across the street before it was demolished.

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Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Lees Hunan Chinese Restaurant Compared To Edgewood
Lees Hunan Chinese Restaurant Compared To Edgewood
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Edgewood Court Motel - Print Ad
Print Ad
Edgewood Court Motel - 1969 Aerial
1969 Aerial
Edgewood Court Motel - 1979 Yearbook Ad
1979 Yearbook Ad
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