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Update 2/11/2025: From Ray Walsh: Lou Burr was my grandfather. He owned Log Cabin Lanes in the 70s. I spent many a summer setting pins, clearing pinsetters, and renting shoes to bowlers. Fond memories. Thank you so much for bringing his name back. I have spent many years looking for any mention of him on the internet. This really hit me. Did you know that he was also on a championship bowling team?
Log Cabin Lanes goes back to the late 1940's or early 1950's. It was managed by Donald S. Campbell in the 1950's. It was also managed by Lou Burr who presented Bill Srock with a check for bowling a perfect game in 1952. The last mention I found in the newspaper archives indicating it was still open was from 1987. Since that time, it has been used for other businesses such as a car lot a few years back. The building still stands and its configuration is unmistakably a bowling alley.